Setelah berkurun lama aku memeram tag yang diberi oleh Rynak (ceh, lame la sangat!), tiba lah masa tag tersebut menetas. Baca la eak..
Instruction : Remove ONE question from below and add in your personal question, then tag 8 people in your list. List them up at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox.
Instruction : Remove ONE question from below and add in your personal question, then tag 8 people in your list. List them up at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox.
1. What are you doing during your free time? (my personal question)
- Tidur la...hehe(sebab aku selalu tak cukup tidur).
2. Have you ever felt stupid?Why?
- Sometimes. (Don't ask me why okay!)
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
- Of coz la Mekah, Madinah. Selain tuh, Eastern Europe confirm! (semangat betul aku melaungkan)
- Tidur la...hehe(sebab aku selalu tak cukup tidur).
2. Have you ever felt stupid?Why?
- Sometimes. (Don't ask me why okay!)
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
- Of coz la Mekah, Madinah. Selain tuh, Eastern Europe confirm! (semangat betul aku melaungkan)
4. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
- Seorang wanita berkerjaya yang berjaya (berjaya dalam semua aspek okay!)
5. Do you believe in seeing rainbow after the rain?
- Percaya kot...hehe. Sebab sometimes nampak and sometimes tak nampak (tak nampak sebab tak tengok la tuh :|)
6. Do you like being who you are today?
- Yes! Kerja, kerja dan kerja!
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
- Setengah dari duit tuh aku nak simpan. 1/4 nak invest dan 1/4 lagi nak shopping (wahh, sungguh seronok dapat bershopping!)
8. If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
- Tak kot..hehe (takut kecewa).
9. Who are the TOP FIVE people in the world you wish to meet?
- Soulmate.
- My ex-schoolmates.
- Teman2 blog.
- Orang2 cerdik pandai (nak belajar jadi orang cerdik pandai :|).
- Jutawan.
10. What are the requirement that you wish from your other half?
- Setia, jujur dan percaya.
11. Which type of car you love the most?
- Honda. Tapi kalau malaysia cukuplah Viva.
12. Which do you prefer from your other half?Hugs or kisses?
- Both...haha :D
13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or rather have them quiet?
- I would rather they point out to me so that I can improve myself.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Family. Besides that, money and love.
15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
- Maybe a shopaholic.
16. What kind of device/gadget that you would like to have?
- Mp4.
- New handphone (any brand).
- Digital camera.
17. What is your favourite fragrance?
- Hoh! sebenarnya aku tak layan sangat fragrance nih (alah dengan pewangi) tapi untuk penampilan, aku layankan aje. Aku lebih prefer pewangi dari Avon dan Silkygirl.
18. Are you in love?
- Yes! Im falling in love with my career!
19. If you are given a chance, do you want to see your future?
- Kalau diberi peluang, boleh jugak. Mana tau kalau2 aku boleh ubah mana2 yang tak betul...hehe.
20. Would you still be friend with your best friend who had betrayed your trust?
- Berkawan mungkin boleh tapi untuk percaya susah sikit la.
I'm going to tag :-
- Pocket
- Bendul
- MatematisMuda
- Wana
(takyah le sampai 8 orang...hehe)
P/s: Rynak, hutangmu sudah ku langsaikan!
- Yes! Kerja, kerja dan kerja!
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
- Setengah dari duit tuh aku nak simpan. 1/4 nak invest dan 1/4 lagi nak shopping (wahh, sungguh seronok dapat bershopping!)
8. If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
- Tak kot..hehe (takut kecewa).
9. Who are the TOP FIVE people in the world you wish to meet?
- Soulmate.
- My ex-schoolmates.
- Teman2 blog.
- Orang2 cerdik pandai (nak belajar jadi orang cerdik pandai :|).
- Jutawan.
10. What are the requirement that you wish from your other half?
- Setia, jujur dan percaya.
11. Which type of car you love the most?
- Honda. Tapi kalau malaysia cukuplah Viva.
12. Which do you prefer from your other half?Hugs or kisses?
- Both...haha :D
13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or rather have them quiet?
- I would rather they point out to me so that I can improve myself.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Family. Besides that, money and love.
15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
- Maybe a shopaholic.
16. What kind of device/gadget that you would like to have?
- Mp4.
- New handphone (any brand).
- Digital camera.
17. What is your favourite fragrance?
- Hoh! sebenarnya aku tak layan sangat fragrance nih (alah dengan pewangi) tapi untuk penampilan, aku layankan aje. Aku lebih prefer pewangi dari Avon dan Silkygirl.
18. Are you in love?
- Yes! Im falling in love with my career!
19. If you are given a chance, do you want to see your future?
- Kalau diberi peluang, boleh jugak. Mana tau kalau2 aku boleh ubah mana2 yang tak betul...hehe.
20. Would you still be friend with your best friend who had betrayed your trust?
- Berkawan mungkin boleh tapi untuk percaya susah sikit la.
I'm going to tag :-
- Bendul
- MatematisMuda
- Wana
(takyah le sampai 8 orang...hehe)
P/s: Rynak, hutangmu sudah ku langsaikan!
wah!! falling in luv with your career? what is your career anyway? :D just wanna know
a career that requires u not to sleep dat much
wokeh, akan pocket lakukan tag ini.
baru je 2 3 hr lpas kena tag
erm, peram sebulab dulu blet? huhu
Lya dpt 1 million nak ikut shopping!! leh KITA perabiskan SAMA-SAMA 1/4 tuh.. lalalala...
weh! jgn lupekan aku!
aku pon nak perabeskan dwet lyak.
psst! tengs sbb buat tag :p
indah kan..
kalo dapat buat sume tuh..
ahaks =P
Pocket: Yes, falling in love wif my career! Haha...keje nih mmg membuatkn org2 seperti LIA kurang tdo!
Bagus2...cpt2 le wat tag tuh :D
MatematisMuda: Takpe2...take ur time! Buat yek jgn tak buat plak :|
Tyrah: Hoh! No way Tyrah. Hanya Lya sorg jek yg boleh perabiskan :P
Rynak: Eh, tak bleh...tak bleh! Nnt tak cukup nk shopping :P
Welkam miss Rynak :D
MissRiben: Ade yg indah...ade yg tak indah :|
silkygirl? nanti mawi kejar.....hahaha
wah wah...rajin bebenor menjawab tag ya...epalcokelat punya tag pun blum dijawab neh...nanti bash jawab ya...
Mak su: Eh...mawi ;))
Bash: Haha...ade mase tluang tuh rajin le buat, kalo tak, tak usik pon...hehe
Takpe2...take ur time :|
5. Do you believe in seeing rainbow after the rain?
---> aku tak paham tujuan soklan neh... adekah jawapannya dituntut dalam bentuk metafora atau realiti?
Ajai: Lya pon tak paham :| dh sokLan nye gitu...jwb je la yg tmampu :|
dulu masa dapat tag ni soalannya lain, skrang sume dah lain,eheh..maksudnya dah ramai org buat benda ni tapi sy tak buat2 lagi,hahahah..:P
Faisal: Erk :| tuh la...tangguh2 lg tag :|
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